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Get up feeding fish

Author: Time:2021-09-1355 second

Information summary:  Get up feeding fishEarly, fish friends  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =  Happy fish life   Say   Its too much, too much, come in the cy...., My New SP Ray, Sianlon Aquatics.Get up feeding fish

  Get up feeding fishEarly, fish friends

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =

  Happy fish life


   Its too much, too much, come in the cylinder.
Fish friend Jingjing grass


   thats nice
Fish friends ☆ hendy ★


   What filter is used?My parrot is always a long white hair.The squid and red dragon in the cylinder, the tiger is fine.Parrot has problems
Fish friends bj1695sm


   very good
Fish friend will jump over the wall



  I am like a big brick and small brick plus AC-controlled ball. The long white hair proves that the water is old water, the parrot fish likes to have new water injection, but the dragonfly, tiger fish, the fish like the old water.It is difficult to take care of both. ☆ Hendy ★

  What filter is used?My parrot is always a long white hair.The squid and red dragon in the cylinder, the tiger is fine.It is a problem with the parrot.
Fish friend will jump over the wall



  Thank you bj1695sm

  very good
Fish friend will jump over the wall



  You can turn your own happiness fish in the same way as you can come to the width of 60 wide.

  Its too much, too much, come in the cylinder.
Fish friends happy fish life



  The problem is your fish, happy fish life

  Its too much, too much, come in the cylinder.
Fish friends blue sky curtains leading luxury


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